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Fanstastic and mystical. Two adjectives that perfectly describe the works of Erin Kelso. Watch this aspiring artist revisit fairy tails and portray them with striking fragility and beauty, highlighting the very essence behind fairy tales.

black_and_white_by_bluefooted-d4h9rqseowyn_and_the_nazgul_by_bluefooted-d49qkdxharpy_by_bluefooted-d3cdq5m the_wolfman_by_bluefooted

The artist also has a DevianArt where you can send in commission and or buy her work. Visited more of her works here: Bluefooted

I Am Kill Monsters Updated


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Helena’s Tarver’s original story about a girl created to destroy cyclops has been updated. The story is updated weekly and it is back this week with a new act entitled Serial Killer.

Read the story I Am Kill Monsters

Feel free to leave comments she would greatly appreciate some feedback!

Welcome to BOA


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Best Of Arts or BOA for short is a place created for every and any aspiring artist wanting and willing to share their work. 

The project is under construction and with time I’m hoping this becomes successful enough and helps artists share their work and hopefully when we have the means this site will help launch new carreers. 

In the meantime please feel free to submitt any time of work you want on the site and we will do our best to advertise them across the world! 

If you’re an aspiring artist wanting to be featured on the site please contact me at this address binnie86@gmail.com to let me knw

Please Enjoy your visit on this site! 


Best Of Arts ou BOA pour faire court est tout simplement un site dédié aux arts…aux meilleurs de l’art comme son nom l’indique. 

Pour le moment ceci n’est qu’un projet! Le site accueille toute sorte d’oeuvre d’artistes dans le but de les faire connaître au sein du publique. Le site est ouvert à tous et je l’espère deviendra une plateforme pour lancer et faire connaitre de jeune talent et surtout un lieu de partage entre artiste!

N’hésitez pas à me connecter à l’adresse binni86@gmail.com si vous souhaiter avoir une de vos oeuvre posté sur le site!